At Domaine des Arômes Français, we place traceability and compliance of our productions at the heart of our concerns. Deeply aware of our impact on the ecosystem, we are resolutely committed to developing fair and sustainable local supply chains.

Our ambition? To achieve decarbonized and circular production, respectful of the environment. Join us in our eco-responsible approach and discover products that embody excellence and sustainability.

Direct sourcing and local development

Domaine des arômes français is committed to developing local production channels and sources only from its own site or from its network of partner producers.

Born in Vallée de l’Ennuye

The historical cradle of production is located in the Vallée de l’Ennuye in Drôme Provençale.

Production in France

A network of producers in France and Belgium has been established to diversify and thus secure production

quality & traceability

Fully aware of the demands of our customers, quality assurance is part of the Domaine des arômes français.


All our production batches are traceable to the plot, allowing us to trace back the entire production chain in case of defects and address the root cause to prevent recurrence

Quality Control

All production lots are tested by chromatographic analysis to check on the compliance of the molecular composition of oils (pesticide residue, PAH…).

Regulatory watch

Our team ensure that the latest regulatory requirements are met and anticipate the changes in the pipe by following up on the works of standardization committees.

Sustainable development

Domaine des Arômes Français and its teams place paramount importance on the integrity of the ecosystem in which they operate and interact, with a dual focus on decarbonization and circularity.


First of all, we are committed to a decarbonization approach for distillation operations, which are particularly well-suited for this given the highly woody and calorific nature of aromatic and medicinal plants. 

We have chosen the technology of pyro-gasification of post-distillation plant waste, which allows for the production of heat and therefore steam, as well as the co-production of biochar. Under certain conditions, biochar can sequester carbon for several centuries, and sometimes millennia. 

Thus, we achieve a double effect: substituting fossil fuels for steam production (reducing emissions) and the permanent sequestration of some carbon (negative emissions since it acts as a carbon sink). 

We aim to fully decarbonize our production chain within the next few years using a range of bio-energy production technologies with carbon capture and storage (BECCS). An initial installation is planned for the summer of 2025. Our biochar will be certified by the EBC (European Biochar Certification) to qualify for carbon credits for sequestration.


We aim for the circularity of our production cycles (minimizing external inputs and reintroducing waste into the cycle after treatment or transformation) with the least possible impact on nature and biodiversity. Thus, biochar, in our case (only plant waste), can be returned to the soil as a soil amendment, improving soil texture and water retention capacity. 

Furthermore, we also produce SNUBs (natural substances for stimulating use) with our hydrosols, which are also returned to the soil, partially or totally substituting industrial synthetic chemical products. 

Thus, all our non-commercialized waste and by-products produce heat or are returned to the soil. The use of external inputs outside our circuit is limited.


Our production and transformation systems are potentially almost self-sufficient and therefore very resilient, ensuring a more stable supply that is less sensitive to socio-climatic uncertainties. This low-carbon and circular ecosystem, which is highly virtuous, also guarantees a healthy and stable supply for our customers.


Our essential oils and hydrosols are produced in France and most of them are certified organic.

Find us

26110 Sainte-Jalle - Drôme 

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